Blaydon Burn Kennel
We are registered as a breeding kennel with the name Blaydonburn. Daisy and Lucky both had a litter of puppies in 2018. Daisy had her second litter - a litter of seven beauties on March 29th 2019, all happily in new homes.
We mated Lucky in 2020 with a pure bred, high quality working Cocker Spaniel, so had a litter of six lovely Sprockers born May 31st. They all went to their new homes around July 26th. They are now gorgeous growing dogs, full of fun and energy (with a bit of mischief thrown in!) We get lots of updates as to their progress from their new owners.
Lucky and Daisy are now too old to have any more pups, and so we have bought in a new girl to join our family. She's absolutely gorgeous! She's called Bonnie, and she is! It will be a couple of years before we think of breeding with her.
We mated Lucky in 2020 with a pure bred, high quality working Cocker Spaniel, so had a litter of six lovely Sprockers born May 31st. They all went to their new homes around July 26th. They are now gorgeous growing dogs, full of fun and energy (with a bit of mischief thrown in!) We get lots of updates as to their progress from their new owners.
Lucky and Daisy are now too old to have any more pups, and so we have bought in a new girl to join our family. She's absolutely gorgeous! She's called Bonnie, and she is! It will be a couple of years before we think of breeding with her.
Here's Bonnie!
There are some pictures of Lucky's third litter of puppies, Daisy and her mother Lucky in the slide show at the bottom of this page - and here's a little film of them exploring outside. It was taken July 2018 when they were 4 weeks old.
I'm leaving the film my son Joe made of Lucky's second litter of pups running on the lawn because it is so delightful! Can you spot the young Daisy? She's nine this year!